As you know when you go to god wars the boss can heal past maximum hit points i think it would be beter if you took that away or made it not heal.Most of you probs wont agree but it would ne beter and take away godsword from shops and the bandos armour
so it is beter economy for godswords and bandos armour
and make clan for godwars non stop clans like allways someone killing the boss,but instead of the boss having 150 hp and heals make it have like say 500 ad dont heal would be so much beter
anyways please comonte on this
lt fire
so it is beter economy for godswords and bandos armour
and make clan for godwars non stop clans like allways someone killing the boss,but instead of the boss having 150 hp and heals make it have like say 500 ad dont heal would be so much beter
anyways please comonte on this
lt fire